IT Outsourcing
Over 90% of organisations in the UK completely rely on their IT network in order to remain competitive and even the smallest of IT problems can have an adverse effect on overall productivity in the workplace.
External IT support has become a core requirement for most organisations, especially small to medium enterprises who cannot justify the cost of employing their own IT Support Staff. An outsourced IT Service is like putting a call in to your internal IT department at a fraction of the cost.
Working with UK Business IT Ltd is the perfect solution for companies who are looking for a better standard of IT support without having to pay a premium for the privilege.
Reasons to Outsource
1. Save Huge Amounts of Money
Having a full time IT support service at your disposal doesn’t have to be expensive. We deliver a comprehensive range of IT services and solutions that will help to increase profit margins by reducing your companies operating expenses.
We offer a variety of contracts
- full time support
- ad hoc “pay as you go” support
- complementary support for larger businesses who already have in-house expertise.
As a rough guide, it is often more than four times as expensive to employ your own person than it is to outsource your IT Support.
2. Access to a Full Team of IT Professionals
It isn’t reasonable to expect one or two members of your own IT staff to have the knowledge that we have spread across our entire Support team. With Outsourced IT Support you have access to an entire group of trained IT professionals at your disposal. We invest extensive resources in staff training and we have decades of experience supporting a wide range of clients.
As we look after many clients from a variety of industries and sectors, we combine this experience with an our own in-depth knowledge to know how best to set your systems up and then how best to maintain them. IT is far too big an industry to reasonably expect one or two people to know everything they need to.
3. Equipment Availability
We carry all manner of equipment which is available to you should something untoward happen to your systems. This includes servers, networking equipment, PCs and printers etc. In the majority of cases, for customers to have the right level of redundant equipment, this would effectively mean re-purchasing the entire system. We also hold a vast array of software versions that enables us to rapidly recreate your systems following a crash.
4. Increased Productivity
You can free up valuable in house resources and retain focus on your business by handing your IT problems over to us. A good network managed correctly will result in less downtime and increased productivity. UK Business IT Ltd has the resources to proactively monitor your network and fix problems before you even know they exist.
5. Procurement
UK Business IT is affiliated to the majority of IT Equipment and Software Manufacturers in the world. This enables us to purchase from the ‘best source’ and we use our extensive knowledge of the IT marketplace to ensure that the products we supply are fit for purpose and will stand the test of time. Thus your hard earned money will be spent on the right products and not wasted on incorrect specified or poorly manufactured products.
If you’d like to talk about whether outsourcing your IT is right for you, please contact us to discuss the options.
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